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LED-SPCV-LV100W Новинка
158.13 руб
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Nominal Input Voltage 12 or 24 VDC (Full range: 9–30 VDC)
Operating Current 20 mA @ 12 V, 0% duty cycle

30 mA with pushbutton pressed
Max. Output Power* 100 W @ 12 V: 8 A @ 50 °C ambient

100 W @ 24 V: 4 A @ 50 °C ambient

Derate to 0 A @ 70 °C ambient
On-board Fuse 10 A automotive mini fuse (red)
Torque Specs Recommended for 6-position screw connector: 6 in.-lb. (0.678 N-m)
External Pushbutton Excitation Open Circuit Voltage: 8 VDC Typical (P.B. open)

Short Circuit Current: 4 mA Typical (P.B. closed)
Protocols DMX512-A, Modbus ASCII, Optomux
Serial Communication Link 1 RS-485 (shielded twisted-pair, 2 pair: one pair for data, one for common) port with duplicate terminal positions for easy daisy chaining
Max. Turnaround Delay 12 microseconds (Modbus and Optomux only)
Max. Dimmers on Link 124 Opto 22 Network LED Dimmers
Max. Distance 1000 feet (304.8 m.) at 115,200; 500 feet (152.4 m.) at 250,000
Selectable Data Rates (Baud) DMX: 250,000

Modbus: 9600; 19,200; 115,200; 230,400

Optomux: 9600; 19,200; 115,200; 230,400
Address Range DMX: 1–512

Modbus: 1–127**

Optomux: 1–255**
Termination and Biasing*** Set DIP switch (inside case) if Dimmer is at the physical end of the link. Biasing must be supplied by master for the RS-485 link.
LEDs TX/RX: Green = TX; Red = RX

PWM: Intensifies as LEDs are ramped up; fully lit at duty cycle of 100%
PWM Frequency 244 Hz
PWM Period 4.2 milliseconds
PWM Resolution Brightness commands are 8-bit logarithmic curve; duty cycle commands are

15-bit resolution
Max. Number of Ramp Steps 256 using logarithmic brightness curve; 32,768 if writing linear duty cycle
Ramp Time Parameter (Optomux and Modbus protocols only) User selectable with range from 0–255
Operating Temperature -20 to +70 °C
Storage Temperature -20 to +85 °C
Humidity 0–95% humidity, non-condensing
Agency Approvals UL, CE, CSA (all pending); RoHS
Warranty 30 months
*For rated power, mount to a flat, thermally conductive surface (steel, aluminum).
**Do not use address 0; it is the broadcast address.
***Both ends of the physical link must be terminated. Master must supply bias.

2036_LED_Dimmer_Data_Sheet / 2038_Opto_22_Network_LED_Dimmer_Users_Guide / 2046_Press_Release_Network_LED_Dimmer / 2048_Network_LED_Dimmer_Quick_Start_for_the_web
Светодиодный диммер Opto 22 Network - это регулятор яркости постоянного тока PWM (широтно-импульсная модуляция), который управляет светодиодами (светодиодами). Используемый отдельно или вместе, этот компактный диммер подходит для применений, связанных с смешиванием цвета светодиодов, сценическим или акцентным освещением, маркировкой пошагового или дорожного покрытия, фасадным или настенным освещением или любым другим использованием, которое требует переменного света от светодиодов.

Используйте светодиодный диммер сети для управления светодиодами вручную или через стандартные последовательные протоколы, включая DMX512-A, Modbus / ASCII и Optomux, и включать управление освещением в существующие системы управления зданием, автоматизацией и освещением.

Примечание. Ожидаются утверждения UL, CE и CSA.



Nominal Input Voltage 12 or 24 VDC (Full range: 9–30 VDC)
Operating Current 20 mA @ 12 V, 0% duty cycle

30 mA with pushbutton pressed
Max. Output Power* 100 W @ 12 V: 8 A @ 50 °C ambient

100 W @ 24 V: 4 A @ 50 °C ambient

Derate to 0 A @ 70 °C ambient
On-board Fuse 10 A automotive mini fuse (red)
Torque Specs Recommended for 6-position screw connector: 6 in.-lb. (0.678 N-m)
External Pushbutton Excitation Open Circuit Voltage: 8 VDC Typical (P.B. open)

Short Circuit Current: 4 mA Typical (P.B. closed)
Protocols DMX512-A, Modbus ASCII, Optomux
Serial Communication Link 1 RS-485 (shielded twisted-pair, 2 pair: one pair for data, one for common) port with duplicate terminal positions for easy daisy chaining
Max. Turnaround Delay 12 microseconds (Modbus and Optomux only)
Max. Dimmers on Link 124 Opto 22 Network LED Dimmers
Max. Distance 1000 feet (304.8 m.) at 115,200; 500 feet (152.4 m.) at 250,000
Selectable Data Rates (Baud) DMX: 250,000

Modbus: 9600; 19,200; 115,200; 230,400

Optomux: 9600; 19,200; 115,200; 230,400
Address Range DMX: 1–512

Modbus: 1–127**

Optomux: 1–255**
Termination and Biasing*** Set DIP switch (inside case) if Dimmer is at the physical end of the link. Biasing must be supplied by master for the RS-485 link.
LEDs TX/RX: Green = TX; Red = RX

PWM: Intensifies as LEDs are ramped up; fully lit at duty cycle of 100%
PWM Frequency 244 Hz
PWM Period 4.2 milliseconds
PWM Resolution Brightness commands are 8-bit logarithmic curve; duty cycle commands are

15-bit resolution
Max. Number of Ramp Steps 256 using logarithmic brightness curve; 32,768 if writing linear duty cycle
Ramp Time Parameter (Optomux and Modbus protocols only) User selectable with range from 0–255
Operating Temperature -20 to +70 °C
Storage Temperature -20 to +85 °C
Humidity 0–95% humidity, non-condensing
Agency Approvals UL, CE, CSA (all pending); RoHS
Warranty 30 months
*For rated power, mount to a flat, thermally conductive surface (steel, aluminum).
**Do not use address 0; it is the broadcast address.
***Both ends of the physical link must be terminated. Master must supply bias.

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